Friday, June 15, 2007

Non-beverage alcohol in Russia

According to BBC, 43% of men in Russia die from high alcohol consumption. Unfortunately this may not come as a surprise to some -- the Vodka stereotype comes to mind -- what may come as a surprise is the fact that men in Russia are drinking aftershave and cleaning agents!

According to the article aftershaves contain up to 97% alcohol and they're cheap... men who drank heavily or non-beverage alcohol (aka aftershave...) were six times more likely to die than men who did not drink at all or did not have a drinking problem. Life expectancy for men in Russia is 59, and 72 for women...

I am Russian and I constantly get the Vodka jokes -- but I guess it's not all laughs for some :(

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Paris Hilton on BBC

I realize that Paris Hilton is famous for being famous but I still don't see why her (not at all surprising) release from jail needs to end up on BBC's homepage ... b/c when I think important news I think Paris Hilton! Just a little disappointed...
Meanwhile, I'm glad the folks at the G8 summit are finally making nice over climate issues.