Saturday, March 24, 2007

Celebrities in Rehab

So I was working on an assignment for a class, so naturally I was looking through Go Fug Yourself and Perez Hilton. And it wasn't so much the Go Fug Yourself posts (although the Janice Dickinson bit came very close...) but the Perez posts that made me wonder.

Why do all these celebrities keep checking into rehab? How much are they actually drinking? I mean I understand they have a lot of free time (and I know I tend to drink in my free time ...) but honestly, how much alcohol does a celebrity need to consume to be eligible to check themselves into rehab? And my following question is, what is the POINT of going to rehab for alcohol/drug use if the first thing they do once they're out is party??? Don't get me wrong, I've gone out sober once or twice ... but somehow I don't think they're lining up to be the DD for the night ...

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