Thursday, January 18, 2007

A few things from the drive home

So as I said I commute from Venice to Downtown ... here are a few really great things about commuting from Downtown LA at 6:00PM on a Thursday:

1. Seeing as there are exactly 3 on-ramps that can get you out of Downtown onto the 10W its a special treat when they close one of those on-ramps (for 4 months in case you're curious) in which case about 5 million people try to squeeze through 2 on-ramps. Luckily for me 80% of those people are only getting on the 10 to get to the 405 (aka LA's largest parking lot) so only about 10 miles of my drive consists of traffic.
2. People who drive on the highway at night w/o their headlights on are morons. Doesn't it seem like its a bit strange that the back of the car that's in front of you is completely dark?!
3. You feel cheated when standing in traffic b/c of an accident if you don't get to see the wreck.
4. If people thanked the person who let them in front of them the world would be a better place.
5. And last but not least I don't know why radio stations that have a special two hours dedicated to "Traffic Jam" feel the need to play a commercial every other song.

As a side note: I felt like I was in Bezerkeley for a moment when I saw a Honda Insight with a bumper sticker that says "Another veteran against the war in Iraq"

Who said being stuck in traffic for 15 miles (in LA we don't count the length of the drive in minutes/hours but in Miles) is so horrible??


marissa said...

re: #5: LA is the largest radio market in the use and drive time is primetime, thus you get a glut of commercials during your commute.

my advice: try venice or even olympic. they might be a better option? of course, you're probably already figured out the alternatives.

Elena said...

Side streets into Downtown in the afternoon are the best -- Venice to Washington to Adams -- best way to get to Downtown from Venice in under 40 mins. :)