Friday, February 9, 2007

Pelosi -- News Worthiness -- CNN v. BBC

Soo I was making my regular daily visit to and I was thoroughly amused by the depth and detail of the Pelosi Plane Story. My first two thoughts were -- at last the White House is supporting her and second -- why do we care about this? So this made me want to visit the BBC News website and see what they thought was important to tell us about ... here are the front page stories from both websites, you be the judge...


Okay so there are some similarities... So I went on to check the "Americas" page on BBC ... and even there -- no Pelosi. Apparently only people in the US care about which plane the Speaker of the House is going to take -- I think the world may be more concerned with what she's doing while she's NOT flying home to San Francisco. Just an observation ...


marissa said...

interesting - after living in london, I now like to check out BBC news often since it has much, much better coverage of world news than US-based media, esp for africa and asia.

Working It Out said...

That’s really interesting. CNN and BBC are both on my homepages. It amazes me how far out our idea of “news” is compared to the rest of the world.